List of previous sites of the week 2009 and earlier

Back to Most recent 'Current sites of the week ' 2010 onwards

Previous sites of the week:

Centre Pompidou Le Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou, Paris

online Dictionary of Modern France, part of

Canal Académie: émissions sur les dictionnaires

les Bleues en quart de finale de l'Euro

La Disparition de la Direction des Archives de France pétition de l'Association des archivistes français

Haro sur les faux jumeaux le Monde des Livres

Poésies de langue française podcast series on Canal Académie (home site: Canal Académie) depuis octobre 2003 une radio sur Internet pour diffuser internationalement les travaux des cinq Académies de l'Institut de France : Académie française, des inscriptions et belles-lettres, des sciences, des beaux-arts, des sciences morales et politiques.

Play the game conference talk by Greg Lemond on current issues in Tour de France including doping.

Portail français du Records Management

Europe Ecologie Dany Boy's Party - virtual victor of European elections

European elections in France Minister of Interior site - how the Euro elections work over 700 French audio books to listen to FREE, e.g. A Daudet's 'L'Arlésienne' (Lettres de mon moulin)

Rockfort* the new French music and culture website, highlighting the flowering of talent in France since the 90s French Touch explosion, while also looking back at classics from the 50s onwards

Immersion France short immersion courses in France

Cinémoi French Film TV channel or on youtube

Café Rencontre pour tous les Français et Francophones de Newcastle et du Nord-Est: le 1er jeudi de chaque mois à 10 heures chez Blake's, 53 Grey Street - organisé par Newcastle-Accueil.
and Le Café Français: les 1er, 3e et exceptionnellement 5e mardis du mois ( prochains rendez-vous les 7 et 21 avril) à partir de 17h, toujours au Café de Vie sur Savile Row, Newcastle (contact Faiza:

Andromaque at Northern Stage, Newcastle 1-4 April 2009

Semaine de la langue française 16-23 mars 2009 French Ministry of Culture

Paris-Insider some useful tips for tourists and links to lots of hotels and other commercial sites. Great photos.

Paris 1900 L'Architecture Art Nouveau à Paris and Des Chardons sous le Balcon sites sur l'Art nouveau

Académie Goncourt awarding annually the most prestigious French book prizes

Le Monde des Livres and Le Figaro littéraire

The Atheist Bus Campaign

National Research Assessment Exercise 2008 confirms Newcastle University's position as one of the UK's top 20 research institutions ( RAE 2008 results)

Mel Belin's blog: the Literary Café see his "All things French" for film and book reviews

American Poet Laureate Kay Ryan

Electronic Theses Online Service (EThOSnet) on Tuesday 9th December launch of beta phase for EThOS, the central point of access to the full text of PhD theses from UK HEIs, in digital or not-yet-digital format

Google actualités France French news portal - link to sites on the PS leadership battle

Instant-French's Top Learn French Site awards 49 good sites for learners of French and part of Nic's Instant-French blog about learning French

Language Exchange The objective is to bring together native English speakers and native French speakers giving both parties the opportunity to have a conversation or exchange e-mails in their second language.

Ressources terminologiques pour la traduction (Délégation Générale à la Langue Française et aux langues de France)

Journées européennes du Patrimoine 20 & 21 septembre 2008, incl. Moment musical devant l'Hôpital Laennec : 15h.-18h., le 20 septembre 2008

Rentrée scolaire 2008 : coût des fournitures scolaires essentielles Ministère de l'Education nationale

French Olympic Committee site

Language Café the concept, the movement

SIBMAS list of museums, libraries, arts and cultural centres in Paris and in France town by town, especially re: performing arts

Le Tour de France 2008 en direct

Internet resources for Olympic studies

Routes into Languages Aim: increasing the take-up of languages from schools to university - regional consortia established where groups of universities will work together, with schools and colleges, to enthuse and encourage people to study languages. National networks promote translation and interpreting as careers.

Librairie Ulysse Travel bookshop ("Au coeur de l'Ile Saint Louis, la première librairie au monde à s'être consacrée au voyage")

Académie française and Institut de France with links to the other Académies

On-line Dictionnaire des synonymes "Un tout nouveau dictionnaire des synonymes en ligne réunissant quelque 300.000 synonymes et 50.000 antonymes méthodiquement répartis sur 36.000 entrées; regroupe les synonymes et antonymes par sens."

Fred Vargas The Independent's interview with the French crime writer and twice winner of The Crime Writers' Association's International prize; also portrait in L'Express

The Times Stephen Spender prize for poetry translation 2008

The Free Dictionary by Farlex, includes thesaurus, specialist dictionaries, acronyms, idioms, encyclopaedia and more

Anne Roumanoff's satirical take on the Sarko-Bruni affair on French public service television

Musée national du sport now re-opened, includes link to sports databases new site featuring ebooks (pdf) on the practicalities of buying property, living, and working in France and Spain, including The Homeowner's Guide to Living in France, Buy to Let in France and Starting a Business in France

Plantu's home site (Le Monde's political cartoonist) ce site d'actualité des idées et de critiques des livres, animé par un collectif de chercheurs et de journalistes, propose des comptes rendus de livres de " non-fiction " et d'articles autour des sciences sociales et humaines.

Apollinaire reading 'Le Pont Mirabeau' on resource centre for avant-garde literature and art

Louis-Jean.Calvet personal site of sociolinguist and one of best writers on history of 'chanson'

Le Journal du Dimanche

North-East-Life all you need to know for living in, visiting, and doing business in the north-east of England

Théâtre Sans Frontières based in North-East England

Rugby World Cup 2007 page web officielle ; and Fédération Française de Rugby

Etudiants : bien se préparer pour dénicher un logement Le Monde article on finding accommodation in France (+ links to and )

France Football twice weekly magazine

La Pinacothèque de Paris 200 square metres of new exhibition space (expo: Roy Lichtenstein, du 15 juin au 23 septembre 2007)

So Foot compte rendu (Lucas de SoFoot) de la journée d’études sur le spectacle sportif 28 juin 2007 and So Foot homepage and their music radio

Tour de France started in London 7/7/2007

Les résultats du bac 2007 recherchez un candidat

Acrimed critique of media and its links with political world by independent professional association

Ségolène's "coming-out" France Inter interview

Histoire@Politique new academic review of contemporary history emanating from Sciences Po Paris, first issue on women in politics

Arrêts de jeu Le Monde's football blog by Erwan Le Duc Stéphane Barbéry's personal site with his French anagram generator and dictionary of rhyme, etc. French site with similar aims to Friends Reunited, but with more ads.

Les noms de famille les plus portés en France (L'Internaute)

Quiz : Etes-vous Ségo ou Sarko? (Le Monde)

Les sites des candidats du 2e tour Ségolène Royal; Nicolas Sarkozy an English-language site launched by the French Football League (LFP) in January 2007

The Brussels Declaration: A Vision for Europe a declaration of liberal, secular values in Europe, our common heritage

Englishman in Noo Yoik blog

Conseil constitutionnel - site pages dedicated to 2007 Presidential election official candidates announced 17h30, 19 March 2007

Charles Bremner's blog Charles Bremner is Paris Correspondent for The Times

We are Football Association Cultures Mémoires Histoire - French academic articles on world and French football

9e Printemps des Poètes du 5 au 18 mars 2007 sur le thème 'le poème d'amour'

Lexilogos mots et merveilles des langues d'ici et d'ailleurs (site fascinated with words and dictionaries; links to many dictionaries on line)

Dossier Présidentielle de Radio France one of best sites covering forthcoming elections

Nicolas Hulot Foundation

France 24 new 24 hour international news channel in English or French or click on the live broadcast

Jacques Martin, animateur de télévision in Wikipédia en français

Montmartre in the Jazz Age CATI (Sorbonne) virtual site, incl. visit to the Lapin Agile

Paris en images Thousands of photos from City of Paris archives, telling history of the capital since 1850

Guardian article and links to videos of Ségolène Royal's "controversial" statements

Parisrama webcam clear views of Tour Eiffel, Tour Montparnasse and weather

Météo-Paris Paris and France weather with webcam links

Naked Translations Céline Graciet's blog on translation, with links to related sites

Flights to Lyon from various parts of Europe

French-English Glossary of Linguistic terms 7000 terms : gives the equivalent(s) in the other language. A special definitions section covers key concepts underlying French terminology, giving access to innovative aspects of francophone linguistic thought and methodology.

Google Actualités France French version of Google News at

Zidane vs Materazzi - le jeu video by TonaZ on, and "Zidane headbutt outrage" as seen from the point of view of various countries (The Register)

Les Cahiers du Football 'premier journal satirique pour les amoureux du ballon rond'

Dictionnaires et glossaires a huge list of on-line translation aids from

INA : Institut National de l'Audiovisuel: access to French TV's video archives some free some payable.

Les 23 Bleus pour la Coupe du Monde Raymond Domenech's squad for Germany

Désirs d'avenir - Ségolène Royal Ségolène Royal's home site - building her presidential programme

Samuel Beckett Centenary This Beckett site lists centenary events from April 2006

ViaMichelin European street map and route map finder; and English language version Michelin maps from street to Europewide

The Guardian's recent reports on France

Le Quartier français du village planétaire (Janice Paulsen); teachers and learners see the page Making French REAL

Renault Formula 1 World Champions

Instituto Cervantes New York (Spanish equivalent of Alliance française)

Alliance française de Newcastle upon Tyne

Rapport de la Commission d'évaluation du CIO pour les Jeux [Olympiques] de 2012 en français

New French government in Libération and in Le Monde

New York University Centre for French Civilisation and Culture

European Association for Sport management

SOUFFLE- Apprendre le français en France "18 French language schools signed up to a Quality Charter and undergo regular quality assurance inspections"

Olympique Lyonnais official site of Lyon soccer team about to become French champions for fourth time in succession

Alliance française Paris and Worldwide

UNESCO's Index Translationum the database of translated works across the world since 1979 on-line

European Audiovisual Observatory (Strasbourg) "The information portal for the audiovisual sector, a European public service organisation, founded 1992"

Orthonet Spelling and grammar help for the French (Conseil international de la langue française) News and analysis aimed at the English-speaking community in France.

BNF'S gallica site ever-growing library of digitized texts (out of copyright), includes links to photograph collections, e.g.Atget

Ellen MacArthur her team's site in French and English, audio clips of Ellen's reports in French and English [site now unavailable, Feb.2007]

Du Temps des cerises aux Feuilles mortes la chanson française de la fin du Second Empire aux années cinquante, includes recording, for example Reynaldo Hahn accompanying Arletty

Wordchamp vocabulary learning and Webdecoder translation reading aid.

Maison de la France Tourist Guide (for UK)

Médecins sans frontières

Sponsor Catherine Phuong for Cancer Research

Paris Olympic bid site (2012) [unavailable, Feb. 2007]

Société pour l'Histoire des Médias See the list of links and excellent bibliography and the pages devoted to the Journal Le Temps des Médias

Magnum dossier on Henri Cartier-Bresson

L'Album des Sciences sociales Ce répertoire propose une sélection de plus de 2000 ressources de qualité accessibles en ligne, choisies en raison de leur intérêt pour la recherche et l'enseignement.

French Word-a-Day Kristin Espinasse's web log of an American in the Midi. [frozen to advertize her new book since May 2006] now on French Word-a-Day to listen to live radio? This is your site.
Hourtin: L'Université de l'été de la communication for media professionals and academics [no longer available, Feb. 2007]
le Monde on line
Official site of French Presidency [not working 22nd Feb. 2007, try Official site of French Presidency
L'INED Stats on French population
Découvrir la France Government site, includes photographs free of rights
Quid encyclopaedia web version of the indispensable source of facts on France
Sciences Po Lyon documentation (best academic French politics site?)
Entente Cordiale centenary site British and French Entente Cordiale centenary site
Bilan du siècle: Histoire du Québec 25,000 pages on demography, economy, politics and culture of post-1900 Quebec
Ministère de la culture et de la francophonie (including catalogue (under 'Documentation')) of Portail de la culture : site of Min. Culture
Délégation Générale à la Langue Française et aux langues de France
Guide Nicaise des Associations d'Amis d'Auteurs
La littérature de voyage Travel literature sites
Stade de France site of French National Stadium
Foot Citoyen Intelligent new site on French amateur football with interviews with pros
Institut national du Sport et de l'Education physique and INSEP Socio Research Lab New sites
Bookshops: Sports Books Direct/ Sports pages
Redpath Albion philosphical football quotes
France Pratique for daily practicalities and 'démarches' of living in France
Maps of French regions and departments
Want to look up a French post code? ["Service momentanément indisponible", 2007]
Catalogue collectif de France - regroupe les notices de 3900 bib. publiques (documents imprimés ET manuscrits).
Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links 2nd edition (10,000 link supersite)

Back to Current sites of the week 2010 onwards

Last updated 21 March 2014 by Geoff Hare.
Sites last systematically checked August 2006 by Geoff Hare

Web site hosting and design by Cornwell Internet from information provided by Geoff Hare